Look in the lower right corner. Click on "Login / Sign up." A new login window will pop up.
Click on "Forgot Password."
Enter your email address. Be sure to use the email address that you used to create your account. Then click on "Send me reset instructions."
You may see a verification puzzle. Click on the parts of the photo to solve the puzzle. The verification puzzle is what the system uses to ensure that you are human, and not a computer program trying to change your account. After you complete the verification puzzle, you'll see a message that says "Please check your email for the password reset link we just sent you."
Now, open your email inbox.
Find the new email message titled "Password reset request."
When you open the email message you'll see "Someone has requested to change your password." Click on "click here."
A new small window will pop up. Enter a new password. The password must be at least 8 characters. After you enter your new password, click on "Update Password."
After you enter a new password, you will be logged in to the system. You can go back to abceng.org/library to start using the resources.
In the future, you can login anytime by going to abceng.org and clicking on the "Login" button in the lower right corner. Enter your email address and password to login. Anytime you forget your password, you can follow the above instructions to reset it.
In step 2 above, if the dark blue button in the lower right corner says "Your Account" instead of "Login / Sign up," that means you are already logged in. You can click on "Your Account" to see your account details. You can also choose to change your password from the "Your Account" window. Choose the "Library" tab at the top to begin using the resources.
The password reset window will show up as a pop-up window on top of your main browser window. You may need to change your browser settings to allow pop-up windows.
If you have tried these steps and are still having trouble, please send an email to [email protected]. As a workaround, I can delete your entire account so you can start fresh to create an account and password.